The Differences Between Business and Finance

Guest Posting

business and finance

The two fields of business and finance go hand in hand. In business, money is made, used, and saved; in finance, it is spent. In addition, the two subjects involve legalities. The main purpose of business is to create a legally supported organization and sell goods and services. The two majors can be very complementary when studied together, but there are some differences. Listed below are the key differences between these two fields. This article discusses the differences and provides tips for finding the right path.

Industrial corporations emerged after the Civil War and broke new ground in size, scope, and management methods. They became too big and complex to be run by families, and required the management of professional managers. Many new industrial corporations raised capital by selling shares of stock to the public, something few companies had done before. This led to a change in business and finance. The Civil War had profound effects on business and finance, though most of the new companies were successful.

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Guest Posting The two fields of business and finance go hand in hand. In business, money is made, used, and saved; in finance, it is spent. In addition, the two subjects involve legalities. The main purpose of business is to create a legally supported organization and sell goods and services. The two majors can be…